In this article, we have collated a selection of some of the most interesting facts about these windows to help with your decision.
1. Stained glass and leadlights – though used to interchangeably – actually refer to two separate glass styles. The former is the colored glass that has been painted on or stained, mainly associate with churches and some Victorian or early Edwardian homes; whilst the latter, leadlight, covers the structural material used in both styles of windows; it draws its name from the lead that is used to separate different elements of the glass, whether they are painted stained glass or just colored glass.
2. The very first decorative leadlight windows appeared in Christian churches around 400 AD. It is believed that this is where the associated of beautifully colored glass with churches first began (this is often the first location to spring to mind in this day and age).
3. The leadlight windows were primarily used in Catholic churches to depict scenes from the bible. A popular feature is the Stations of the Cross, which tells the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and subsequent ascension.
4. The royal medieval gothic chapel, La Sainte-Chapelle, houses one of the most beautiful and extensive collections of 13th century stained glass. It features 15 delicate leadlight windows that form a ‘jewel box’-like structure.
5. The colors in leadlight glass, also known as stained glass, are achieved through the addition of additives during manufacture. Copper oxide, for example, makes green and cobalt makes blue. Red was originally made by adding gold to the glass, although more affordable alternatives are used today.
6. Another benefit of modern technology is the innovative methods that can be used to create leadlight windows and doors. In days gone by, though they were stunning to look at, they didn’t offer much insulation. Now, however, triple glazing can be used to improve the energy efficiency of your home and increase the strength of the glass.
If you are interested in the addition of leadlight windows or doors for your home, we hope that these interesting facts have intrigued you and inspired you to take the plunge!
At Seaton glass, we are always committed to designing the most appropriate door & leadlighting for people’s homes.
Whether you’re looking for a colored or clear bespoke feature window, speak with our team today to learn more about how a beautiful glass masterpiece can benefit your space.
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